/* * Copyright (c) 2002 iReasoning Networks. All Rights Reserved. * * This SOURCE CODE FILE, which has been provided by iReasoning Networks as part * of an iReasoning Software product for use ONLY by licensed users of the product, * includes CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY information of iReasoning Networks. * * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS * OF THE LICENSE STATEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY FURNISHED WITH * THE PRODUCT. * * IN PARTICULAR, YOU WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD IREASONING SOFTWARE, ITS * RELATED COMPANIES AND ITS SUPPLIERS, HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY * CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, OR * DISTRIBUTION OF YOUR PROGRAMS, INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES * ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM THE USE, MODIFICATION, OR * DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS OR FILES CREATED FROM, BASED ON, AND/OR * DERIVED FROM THIS SOURCE CODE FILE. */ import com.ireasoning.protocol.*; import com.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.*; /** * This class demonstrates an implementation of SNMP GET_SUBTREE operation by * using more efficient GET_BULK operation. * Note: Agent has to be able to support SNMPV2. * <pre> * Example: * java snmpbulkgetsubtree localhost . * java snmpbulkgetsubtree localhost iftable * java snmpbulkgetsubtree localhost ifTable * java snmpbulkgetsubtree localhost system * java snmpbulkgetsubtree -o localhost ipRouteTable * java snmpbulkgetsubtree localhost mib-2 * </pre> */ public class snmpbulkgetsubtree extends snmp implements Listener { public static void main(String[] args) { snmpbulkgetsubtree s = new snmpbulkgetsubtree(); s.parseOptions(args, "snmpbulkgetsubtree", false, false); s.getTable(); } private void getTable() { try { SnmpSession session = new SnmpSession(_host, _port, _community, _community, _version, _transportLayer); if(_isSnmpV3) { session.setV3Params(_user, _authProtocol, _authPassword, _privProtocol, _privPassword, _context, null); } session.snmpBulkGetSubtree(_oids[0], this); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Callback method, got notified when a new snmp message is received */ public void handleMsg(Object session, Msg msg) { SnmpPdu pdu = (SnmpPdu) msg; if(!pdu.hasMore()) { System.out.println( "<End of Subtree Reached>"); ((SnmpSession)session).close(); return; } print(pdu); } protected void printExample(String programName) { System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost ."); System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost iftable"); System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost ifTable"); System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost system"); System.out.println( "java " + programName + " -o localhost ipRouteTable"); System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost mib-2"); } }// end of class snmpbulkgetsubtree