MIB Browser Version 15 User Guide

The iReasoning MIB browser is a powerful and easy-to-use tool powered by iReasoning SNMP API. MIB browser is an indispensable tool for engineers to manage SNMP enabled network devices and applications. The iReasoning MIB browser allows users to load standard, proprietary MIBs, and even some mal-formed MIBs. It also allows them to issue SNMP requests to retrieve SNMP agents' data, or make changes to agents. A built-in trap receiver can receive and process SNMP traps according to its rule engine.

Major features:


Download and Run MIB Browser

1. Download MIB browser installer or zip file. On Windows, run setup.exe to install MIB browser. On macOS, Linux and other UNIX platforms, unzip it to the desired directory.

2. Run MIB Browser:

On Linux/UNIX, if you login as a non-root user and need to run trap receiver at port 162 (or any port under 1024), start MIB browser using the following command:

sudo browser.sh

Enterprise Edition

Trap receiver and watches functions run as a system service. Watches function supports action, which means you can configure actions (sending emails or traps) when a MIB object's value violates a pre-configured threshold.

On Windows platform, the service starts up automatically. On Linux/macOS, you need to configure system to execute $INSTALL_DIR/lib/runserver.sh on startup.

The Browser GUI



MIB Tree Pane

It is divided into two panes: Tree pane on the top and properties pane on the bottom.

Result Pane

Display the result of SNMP queries in a table. If a octet string is displayed in hex format, double click on it to toggle the display mode.

Buttons on the right toolbar:

Stop button

Stop pending SNMP queries.

Clear Table button

Clear the result table.

Raw Data button

Launch a new dialog window showing the raw results of SNMP queries.

Find button

Find strings in the result pane.

Save button

Save values in result pane to an XML file.

Open button

Load values from an XML file to the result pane.

Trap Receiver

Main Window

Trap receiver can be opened from MIB browser window or started independently.

Trap receiver window is divided into two panels. The upper panel displays summaries of traps. The lower panel displays details of selected trap.

Menu Items of Trap Receiver

Trap Filter button

Apply filter to all received traps. A trap can be blocked based on its IP address and OID.

Start Trap Receiver button

Start the trap receiver. It'll be grayed out if trap receiver is running. Trap receiver is not started automatically when the window is opened.

Stop button

Stop the trap receiver.

Add Trap Rule

Add a new rule for processing traps. If a row of trap table is selected, then the dialog will populate the fields with some data from the row.

All rules will be applied for an incoming trap, except that a rule specifies that the trap should be ignored. Rules are ordered by their names. So you can modify rule's name to change its execution order. For example, rule A and B have the same conditions, but A sets severity to low and B sets severity to medium. Because B is applied after A, the final severity will be set to medium.

Screenshot of adding trap rule:

Rule Conditions:

snmpTrapOID is

The snmpTrapOID in SNMPv2 traps, or "entepriseOID + '.0.' + specific" for SNMPv1 traps.
Wildcard "*" and "?" are supported. "*" matches any digits and dot. "?" matches zero or one digit. For example, ".*" matches any OIDs starting with ".", and "." matches OIDs between "." and "." but does not match ".".

Allowed trap source IPs

The trap originator's IPs, separated by comma. Wildcard "*" and "?" are supported for an IP address. "*" matches any digits and dot. "?" matches zero or one digit. For example, "1,2.3.*" matches any IPs between "" and "", and "1.2.3.?" matches any IPs between "." and "".

Raw values of variable bindingds contains

You can enter multiple keywords here, separated by pipe or comma. If one of the keywords are found, then the condition is considered met.

The value here is the raw value, that is, the value received from the agent in its original format and it is not translated to more readable string.

Rule Actions:

Play sound

Play sound when conditions are met.

Run command

Executes a system command when conditions are met.

A common problem is not having the executable on the PATH. It's better to use absolute path of the excutable. Tokens can be used in command.

Send email

Send out email when conditions are met.

Issue SNMP request

Issue an SNMP GET or SET request against an agent when conditions are met.

Send SNMP trap

Send out SNMPv1/v2c/v3 traps when conditions are met.

Manage Rules

Manage rules, including editing and deleting rules.

Clear Table button

Clear the content of the trap table.

Export Table to CSV

Export table data to a CSV file.


Trap receiver's settings.


Command Line Options

Command line tools are located at $INSTALL_DIR\bin directory.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Load MIB file


Find a MIB node.


Perform SNMP GET operation.


Perform SNMP GET-NEXT operation.


Perform Get-Subtree operation.


Perform SNMP SET operation.


Perform walk operation.


Stop current operation.


If Operations or Go button have focus, pressing "Enter" key will repeat last operation.


Table view


Plot graph.


Add to watches


Open watches panel


Open trap receiver panel

About different editions

The free personal edition is intended exclusively for private use on a single workstation. You may copy the complete program package and pass it on to others for private use only. The free personal edition may not be used for commercial or professional purposes.

The professional edition has many more features and can be used for commercial or professional purposes.

The enterprise edition has more powerful trap receiver and monitoring features.

Features Table

Feature Personal Edition Professional Edition Enterprise Edition

Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux and other UNIX platforms

Supports basic SNMP operations

Table view for MIB tables

SNMPv3 USM user management

Trap Receiver

Trap Sender

Supports IPv6

Supports SNMPv1/v2c

Supports loading any standard or private MIB

Maximum number of MIBs loaded


No restrictions

No restrictions


Supports SNMPv3

SNMP Expression


Address Group

Network discovery

ICMP Ping tool

ICMP Traceroute tool

Performance graph

Port view

Switch port mapper

Device snapshot

Cisco device snapshot

Compares devices

Forwards traps via email

Periodically refreshes MIB table

Dynamic table row creation and deletion

Rule engine for processing traps

Run as service (Trap Receiver & Watches)

Watch actions

Email template